Monday, 26 February 2018

The path of health through dieting

There were a lot of issues related to the food we eat, whether we eat healthily or put poison in our stomach. This is especially inevitable in the wake of genetically modified foods that devote our dining tables and cross-border diets resulting from the emergence of a global village. Other issues involve vegetarian and vegan introduction, where people indulge in refraining from practicing animal foods. For some, it is the path to spiritual ascension. For others, it simply follows the trend. But the question is, what is the best guide for a healthy life?

To begin with, each individual is connected to the soil from his birth through radiation relationships. Thus, his health depends largely on the food produced from his soil from birth. It also depends on the harvest time. So it follows that the maximum benefit you usually get from eating foods that are produced in the season. Yam is to consume more in the yam season, BlackBerry to be consumed at the time of BlackBerry harvest. This gives maximum potential radiation to the individual.

But it is also important to note that part of the cosmic duties of animals is to provide food to humans. So there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating animals. But the important thing is that such animals should not suffer unnecessarily before his death, this would prefer to be such an animal is not a pet, that is, the soul is not molded with love. If this is the case, the doom will follow it further, and the sentinel objects will not be happy.

The human soul, in its evolution over thousands of years, is expected to develop its body in a way that gradually transforms from animal protein. Thus, it is supposed to gradually move from eating red meat to white meat to seafood, and finally become vegetarians. But reincarnation, with the karmic burden, resulted in many souls that already put back down. This means that on the ground today there are a large number of people who still need red meat for their livelihood living with people who naturally exceeded this level, should only eat white meat and others. A few of them have naturally graduated to being comfortable with seafood. But vegetarianism should be the next natural development point. So those who take the lead are taking the future now, and it may end up worse.

It is recommended that the vegetable diet is taken for a maximum of twenty-one days for internal purification, only when it becomes necessary to use it curatively to help relieve certain diseases. In this case, it can be taken as long as it requires health.

Vegan, although it reduces libido, does not increase spirituality. Instead, it may hinder it. It is here equal to fasting which weakens the body but does not strengthen the soul, making the spirit appear stronger where none of such is the case.


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